Statera Energy will be holding its first round of public consultation next month (April) for its green hydrogen project near Kintore, Aberdeenshire.
Following an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping process with Aberdeenshire Council, and other consultees, Statera has submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PoAN) to Aberdeenshire Council which sets out how Statera will consult on the proposals with the local community.
A public exhibition will be held in the Kintore Bowling Club on 24th April 2024, from 2pm until 8pm.
Members of the public are invited to view the proposals and to meet members of the project team, who will be in attendance to answer questions and gather feedback.
The exhibition material will also be available to view on a dedicated project website ( from the 24th of April, and an online feedback form will be available for those people who cannot make it along on the day. Comments should be returned no later than the 17th of May.
A second event will follow in June to provide an update on the proposals and address key points arising from the first consultation.
Kintore Hydrogen is a flagship project which will use electrolysis technology to turn abundant electricity generated by Scottish wind into green hydrogen, which can be used for the decarbonisation of power generating facilities and carbon intensive industrial clusters across the country.
The site has specifically been selected due to its proximity to the existing Kintore substation, National Gas transmission pipelines, and a non-potable water source from the River Don. The location also allows access to the expert energy sector workforce which exists in North East Scotland.
The production of low cost, green hydrogen should provide a huge boost to the North East of Scotland, providing hundreds of jobs during its construction and operation. The front end engineering and design (FEED) contract is being undertaken by Worley and led from their Aberdeen office.
The project hopes to harness the existing skilled labour and supply chains already supporting the UK’s energy sector in the North East, to expand existing key energy infrastructure and develop a green hydrogen facility which could put Aberdeenshire at the heart of the transition to net zero.
David Rodger, Business Development Director for Scotland said:
I would encourage anyone with an interest in the proposals to attend our event on the 24th April to learn more about Statera, the development itself, as well as how the hydrogen production process works. Members of the team will be on hand to answer questions and are looking forward to discussing the project with the community.
We have also welcomed the opportunity to meet with representatives from Kintore Community Council and Leylodge over the last few months, and appreciate the discussion and feedback we have had thus far.
All of this, along with the feedback from the consultation and technical and environmental studies that are being undertaken, will help shape and inform the proposals which we will bring back for further comment in June, ahead of a planning application later in 2024.